Take a rest...

Well, I've been gone lately...
This is what I called take a rest..
But somehow...
Take a more longer or too much rest means...you die..
I don't wanna die..
So I'll continue this path..
Keep in touch!! ^^

Well…as I told you that I’ve just taken too long rest…I definitely don’t want you to follow the way I do..

Every one needs rest of course…you, they, and me…just take a minute in your hectic days…just for releasing everything….all your worries, thought, problems….just put them somewhere where you can’t hear, see, and feel…just let yourself with yourself…on your own,,,, then ask yourself..

Well…as I told you that I’ve just taken too long rest…I definitely don’t want you to follow the way I do..

Every one needs rest of course…you, they, and me…just take a minute in your hectic days…just for releasing everything….all your worries, thought, problems….just put them somewhere where you can’t hear, see, and feel…just let yourself with yourself…on your own,,,, then ask yourself..

What probably will make you enjoy your life….
But it must be kept in mind that fake enjoyment which will bring negative effects for next days must be thrown away…hey…you know what I mean…

Just think about your hobbies, favorite entertainment that you will spend with…
It is ok to leave something heavy on your mind or something hard to do…IF only you have planned duration for you to take your rest…

Better suggestion lead to the total rest I mean you can have enough sleep at night or take a nap, just in case if you are too tired and any job can’t be handled and tolerated unless you take a rest….
The second better suggestion is that you have to spend some fixed time to have exercise,,,, just do any sport you like…ask you friends or some friends to accompany you for this fun body refresher… you do not to be afraid that sport will make you tired… I guarantee that you will start the next day with the new spirit when you have to be back to your hectic days… 

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