ARIES (Mar21-Apr19)

Congratulation! This year of 2008 is full of your independence to gain any of your wishes. Just prepare to face the challenge. By all your high spirit and optimism there will be nothing too hard to be through. This year your business is dynamic enough, but be concern with your health. If you want to be dynamic, just do not get yourself overweight. Fight the laziness inside yourselves, do sports!. For Aries’ career and business, it seems it will turn to be positive. For those who are involved in the old businesses as well as in the new businesses, your thought to add some knowledge must be realized for the advanced of you career. Your cooperation with co-workers will be fine. The most important thing, do not feel as you have the most authority to rule them unwisely. For some matters, control your patience and selfishness. Some of Aries will feel that their financial is fine, if they want to gain advantage through stock market. Whatever kinds of your investment is, be smart in choosing it. Learn the prospect first. For those who are single, you will ‘steal’ a love-mate by using you appearance. Chemistry of love will be flow with a person who often interacts to you. He or she could be a neighbor, co-worker, or one of your bosses in your office. Your relationship has the possibility to be invisible or vice versa, because some Aries choose the less right person to be their love-mate. Aries’ love relationship will be full of challenge, but do not be afraid because with some introspection you will gain happiness. If a break up will be the choice, keep your communication and fine friendship with you ex.
TAURUS (Apr20-May20)

Just be happy Taurus, in this year of 2008 some of your wishes come true, but with the exchange you have to be prepared with some changes in your life (as we know that Taurus hates changes). The changes will not always mean negative. By the canges, you will have the chance to gain prosperity and happiness. Career of Taurus faces quite many challenges for this year. For those who are employed, you will have the pressure from your boss. Care, patience, and hard work become ‘gold’ words to occupy success. The ‘door’ of success will be opened for those who want to ‘get out’ from their comfort zone. If you feel uncomfortable with the job you have, just consider another job smartly. Be globalized by trying to apply a job in foreign companies. You can find the information on the internet, then it can be possible that a foreign company will interest with your high abilities and talent. For Taurus who has you own business, use the advanced of Information Technology to expand you market to the other countries. Your income will be ‘bright’ but unfortunately it will be balanced with your outcome. Be creative to add you income. The single life of Taurus won’t bring any problems, but you must be active to be close with some one. You will find a love-mate in some places like schools, college, religion community, or on the want to go abroad. For Taurus who already has the love relationship, you will keep sticking to it, and then marriage will be possible for you.
GEMINI (May21-Jun20)

There will be bright time, as well as dark time. There will be serious time, but there will be fun time. That is how Gemini life is going to be this year of 2008. Whatever conditions you must face, just control your moody, wishy-washy, and outspoken traits. Do not be easy to be suspicious and un-calm in any situation. Be cheerful!. Gemini has not found the right career yet, this is the promising time to get a new place or change your job. Opportunities will be opened. You also will have a chance to have part time job or side job. Try to consider your hobbies as business at home. This year will be different time for you to take more complicated responsibility or make a big commitment in your career. For those who like to share knowledge, have the chance to be teacher and lecturer. Wonderful coincidence will be accepted for you who want to add knowledge, because there will be chances to join seminar, training, or even go to college and you will have to pay less for that. Financial conditi0on of Gemini is still good. Those who manage market and production of product or service, big advantage can be gained if you do smart way in promoting. Expand your market to other countries. Though you finance is good this year, do not spend too much. you love life will be cheerful and hot. You will enjoy someone spreading his or her impression to you. Just make a right choice and make a commitment.
ARIES (Mar21-Apr19)

Congratulation! This year of 2008 is full of your independence to gain any of your wishes. Just prepare to face the challenge. By all your high spirit and optimism there will be nothing too hard to be through. This year your business is dynamic enough, but be concern with your health. If you want to be dynamic, just do not get yourself overweight. Fight the laziness inside yourselves, do sports!. For Aries’ career and business, it seems it will turn to be positive. For those who are involved in the old businesses as well as in the new businesses, your thought to add some knowledge must be realized for the advanced of you career. Your cooperation with co-workers will be fine. The most important thing, do not feel as you have the most authority to rule them unwisely. For some matters, control your patience and selfishness. Some of Aries will feel that their financial is fine, if they want to gain advantage through stock market. Whatever kinds of your investment is, be smart in choosing it. Learn the prospect first. For those who are single, you will ‘steal’ a love-mate by using you appearance. Chemistry of love will be flow with a person who often interacts to you. He or she could be a neighbor, co-worker, or one of your bosses in your office. Your relationship has the possibility to be invisible or vice versa, because some Aries choose the less right person to be their love-mate. Aries’ love relationship will be full of challenge, but do not be afraid because with some introspection you will gain happiness. If a break up will be the choice, keep your communication and fine friendship with you ex.
TAURUS (Apr20-May20)

Just be happy Taurus, in this year of 2008 some of your wishes come true, but with the exchange you have to be prepared with some changes in your life (as we know that Taurus hates changes). The changes will not always mean negative. By the canges, you will have the chance to gain prosperity and happiness. Career of Taurus faces quite many challenges for this year. For those who are employed, you will have the pressure from your boss. Care, patience, and hard work become ‘gold’ words to occupy success. The ‘door’ of success will be opened for those who want to ‘get out’ from their comfort zone. If you feel uncomfortable with the job you have, just consider another job smartly. Be globalized by trying to apply a job in foreign companies. You can find the information on the internet, then it can be possible that a foreign company will interest with your high abilities and talent. For Taurus who has you own business, use the advanced of Information Technology to expand you market to the other countries. Your income will be ‘bright’ but unfortunately it will be balanced with your outcome. Be creative to add you income. The single life of Taurus won’t bring any problems, but you must be active to be close with some one. You will find a love-mate in some places like schools, college, religion community, or on the want to go abroad. For Taurus who already has the love relationship, you will keep sticking to it, and then marriage will be possible for you.
GEMINI (May21-Jun20)

There will be bright time, as well as dark time. There will be serious time, but there will be fun time. That is how Gemini life is going to be this year of 2008. Whatever conditions you must face, just control your moody, wishy-washy, and outspoken traits. Do not be easy to be suspicious and un-calm in any situation. Be cheerful!. Gemini has not found the right career yet, this is the promising time to get a new place or change your job. Opportunities will be opened. You also will have a chance to have part time job or side job. Try to consider your hobbies as business at home. This year will be different time for you to take more complicated responsibility or make a big commitment in your career. For those who like to share knowledge, have the chance to be teacher and lecturer. Wonderful coincidence will be accepted for you who want to add knowledge, because there will be chances to join seminar, training, or even go to college and you will have to pay less for that. Financial conditi0on of Gemini is still good. Those who manage market and production of product or service, big advantage can be gained if you do smart way in promoting. Expand your market to other countries. Though you finance is good this year, do not spend too much. you love life will be cheerful and hot. You will enjoy someone spreading his or her impression to you. Just make a right choice and make a commitment.
best regard from Tangerang...girl,
ReplyDeletebut where is the guest book?
I'm Aries, and I fell your say is true for this moment. I can't command about the loving, because I don't feel it come true yet. I hope what you say will be happen with me......
ReplyDeleteFor overweight, wow, It's my self and I don't know how to change it. I have tried very much to low it, but I still fat. Can you give some suggestions? Huh, I try died, sport, and so on. But, yeah, all my families are fat, maybe I can't change it although I have tried.
It's nice to see you.......
ReplyDeleteMet siang yaaaa
aq wawan
pa kbr hr ini????
aq br aja menemukan blogmu lho///
wah ternyata bagus banget yaaa
pakai bahasa inggris lagi,,wissss kueren deh pokoke...
Ndet emang tgl di Tangerang yaa???
wah sama donk...
klo boleh th dmn Tangerangnya???
tp klo g dijwb jg g pa2, dah mngenal kamu dan th blogmu aq jg dah seneng bgt