Patience is some kind of personality trait or ability which not all people can have it. Self-patience is ability to accept delay, annoyance, or suffering without complaining. It is also personality trait which avoids anger and any kind of violence. In today’s world, people are getting busy and busy then their lost their patience. That is why there are many emotional people nowadays and it seems so bad. People think that it is not easy to gain patience. But here, you will find out that there are four wise steps to build your self-patience or to develop it in you daily life!.
The first step is, you should know the importance of self-patience. Patience is needed to maintain any kind of relationships. For family relationship, obviously it can be seen between a mother and her little children. Mother’s patience could make her little child grows up well. When she feeds them, she helps them to learn something, she controls their emotions, and all of those attentions need patience. No matter you are a mother, a father, a son, a daughter, a husband, or a wife, it is important for you to keep patience to your other family members. Family is the first place for you before making struggle in outside world; good family condition will bring good preparations for life. For friendship, you have to own patience to make your friendship become stronger. You have to listen to your friends’ stories and solve problems between you and your friends patiently. By forming strong friendship will help you to make through any difficulties in your life easily. Patience is needed for maintaining love relationship also. When you and your love mate apart, you should be patient to wait until there is a time for you to meet each other. You should be patient also to face any negative sides of your love mate, and then try to discuss them to him or her. Applying patience will make your love relationship long lasting. Patience has become the core part to maintain these relationships.
When you want to gain success, one of personality trait that you needed is patience. To be success in school, you have to be patient to study and listen of what your teacher says. Patience plays a major part in the learning process. If you are in college, you have to be patient to explore yourself deeply then you can make great achievements. Also gaining success in any kind of job-field, you have to be patient to make great contributions to your job. Patience is the foundation where you can build your strategies to be productive on the job. By knowing these importances of patience, you will get motivation to continue your steps to be a patient person.
Secondly, make sure that you will always response any situation positively. To begin with this second step, you should avoid anger or other bad emotions by breathing steadily. This will help you to control your explosive emotion which will suddenly appear. Take your breath slowly and exhale them slowly too. Then, try to find good messages or hidden messages behind any situations. It means you have to think anything in a positive way. At first, you will think that there is no positive thing in the situation that happens to you, but believe me!, there are always something good that we can learn from it. After that, do and say something after thinking deeply. It is not true if you say that commit to patience means commit to take more time. Thinking deeply does not mean you response any situation slowly. You just have to be more critical than you used to be. You will have some progress on your ‘patience-meters’ if you could do and say something precisely as a response to your situations.
Then you will go to the third step, which is actually the most important step to build self-patience. It is “go with God”. In this step, you have to be more close to your God than you are right now. The ways to get closer with your God depend on your own religion. You must do all of your duties and avoid His prohibition despite it is not as simple as you thought before. Concern them as your need to your God not as just your duties. Then you can be more close to your God. Try to remember Him in any kind of activities also, so that you can control yourself in every situation. If there are difficult problems that you can not solve or face, despite you have done some efforts, ask to Him for solutions. Problems come from our God, so that solutions. Pray to Him whenever, wherever, whatever you need Him for. These are the most important things to gain patience.
The last step is, be sincere!. Although you have enormous willing and goals, do not be over ambitious to get them all. In this step you have to be able to control your greediness. Keep trying to make struggle for you will and goals and also pray, but do not force everything is done quickly, slowly but sure. The next is, accept everything after doing your efforts and prayers. This means that you have given whatever the result or decision to your God who has full authorities to determine everything. By this sincerity, you will have no hard feeling about all matters.
It is obvious then that there are four wise and simple steps to gain and improve patience which can be applied in your life, in everyone’s life!. By trying to do these four steps to build or develop self-patience, you can change your life to be better as a patient person.
The first step is, you should know the importance of self-patience. Patience is needed to maintain any kind of relationships. For family relationship, obviously it can be seen between a mother and her little children. Mother’s patience could make her little child grows up well. When she feeds them, she helps them to learn something, she controls their emotions, and all of those attentions need patience. No matter you are a mother, a father, a son, a daughter, a husband, or a wife, it is important for you to keep patience to your other family members. Family is the first place for you before making struggle in outside world; good family condition will bring good preparations for life. For friendship, you have to own patience to make your friendship become stronger. You have to listen to your friends’ stories and solve problems between you and your friends patiently. By forming strong friendship will help you to make through any difficulties in your life easily. Patience is needed for maintaining love relationship also. When you and your love mate apart, you should be patient to wait until there is a time for you to meet each other. You should be patient also to face any negative sides of your love mate, and then try to discuss them to him or her. Applying patience will make your love relationship long lasting. Patience has become the core part to maintain these relationships.
When you want to gain success, one of personality trait that you needed is patience. To be success in school, you have to be patient to study and listen of what your teacher says. Patience plays a major part in the learning process. If you are in college, you have to be patient to explore yourself deeply then you can make great achievements. Also gaining success in any kind of job-field, you have to be patient to make great contributions to your job. Patience is the foundation where you can build your strategies to be productive on the job. By knowing these importances of patience, you will get motivation to continue your steps to be a patient person.
Secondly, make sure that you will always response any situation positively. To begin with this second step, you should avoid anger or other bad emotions by breathing steadily. This will help you to control your explosive emotion which will suddenly appear. Take your breath slowly and exhale them slowly too. Then, try to find good messages or hidden messages behind any situations. It means you have to think anything in a positive way. At first, you will think that there is no positive thing in the situation that happens to you, but believe me!, there are always something good that we can learn from it. After that, do and say something after thinking deeply. It is not true if you say that commit to patience means commit to take more time. Thinking deeply does not mean you response any situation slowly. You just have to be more critical than you used to be. You will have some progress on your ‘patience-meters’ if you could do and say something precisely as a response to your situations.
Then you will go to the third step, which is actually the most important step to build self-patience. It is “go with God”. In this step, you have to be more close to your God than you are right now. The ways to get closer with your God depend on your own religion. You must do all of your duties and avoid His prohibition despite it is not as simple as you thought before. Concern them as your need to your God not as just your duties. Then you can be more close to your God. Try to remember Him in any kind of activities also, so that you can control yourself in every situation. If there are difficult problems that you can not solve or face, despite you have done some efforts, ask to Him for solutions. Problems come from our God, so that solutions. Pray to Him whenever, wherever, whatever you need Him for. These are the most important things to gain patience.
The last step is, be sincere!. Although you have enormous willing and goals, do not be over ambitious to get them all. In this step you have to be able to control your greediness. Keep trying to make struggle for you will and goals and also pray, but do not force everything is done quickly, slowly but sure. The next is, accept everything after doing your efforts and prayers. This means that you have given whatever the result or decision to your God who has full authorities to determine everything. By this sincerity, you will have no hard feeling about all matters.
It is obvious then that there are four wise and simple steps to gain and improve patience which can be applied in your life, in everyone’s life!. By trying to do these four steps to build or develop self-patience, you can change your life to be better as a patient person.

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ReplyDeleteThe steps given are very helpful to built up patience