Hi! It’s very pleasure for me that you’ve found my blog….!!!
Um…Let’s pretend that you are my guest and unpurposely found me on this blog… “KNOCK2!”
“Come in… hi! ^o^ how did you find me?!”
“Dunno, just passing by…”
“Well, it’s fate! Why don’t we become friends?”
“Hum…OK, who r u?”
“My name is Ndet, from Indonesia, I’m a college student in Brawijaya University, I like to write anything since I was a kid, I have my own journal for several years….but I think recently that no one will read my writing if they’re locked up in my bookcase, so why don’t I start to write a blog ‘n hope I can share everything and meet new friends”
“Can I share my own story to you?”
“Of course I’d like to read anything as the feedback or comment from all of you and you can give ideas and suggestion about what I must find in any kind of research, then I’ll write it on this page, It’ll be very pleasure!” ^^,
Well, this blog is NOT ABOUT ME, but it’s ABOUT YOU and US….
It’s all about what we are,
It’s all about what we think,
It’s all about how it’s going to be with us,
It’s all about what we like,
It’s all about what we learn,
It’s all about what we need,

It's all about what we hear...,
what we see....,
and what we feel...
So, I really want to get in touch with you all with all we can use to talk about…or you want to talk about…
“Best friends is like a COMPUTER,
ENTER them to
SAVE them in
FORM Ur problems n never…
DELETE them from
even still young u've an xl english...maybe i can learn it fm u. btw what's ur comment abt me/myblog ?